Rental Policy Agreements

Injury Agreement

In the event of an accident or injury during class, on the property, or related to any organized event, I release Gotta Dance, LLC, its participants or any instructor from liability.

Property Agreement

I and/or my entire party (i.e., staff, children, students, etc.) agree to respect Gotta Dance, LLC’s property (i.e., furniture, fixtures, flooring, walls, mirrors, etc.). I know that if I and/or my party cause damage to any part of Gotta Dance, LLC’s property, I will be held responsible for repair. I’m also aware that respect signifies keeping the environment clean and tidy. I and/or my party agrees to clean up and leave each space the way I/we found it. I and/or my party also agree to wear only dance shoes in studios A, B and C. I know that wearing street shoes in any one of the studios could bring in unwanted/unsafe material, such as rocks. I and/or my party will keep food and drink (unless it is water) out of studios A, B and C. In the event I and/or we bring food and drink other than water into studio(s) A, B and/or C without permission, we will be charged an additional $5 per hour of use.

Rental Fee Agreement

For general renting purposes (i.e., classes, personal use, parties, events, etc.), the hourly rate for studios A and C and the Lobby is $25 per hour; the hourly rate for studio B is $20 per hour. Gotta Dance, LLC instructors are the exception to this rule. The instructor rental rate is $10 per hour for general privates (i.e., makeups, etc.). Competitive students taking lessons for solos, duos and/or trios must pay a flat fee of $150. (Instructors, please advise your competitive students that this must be paid before lessons begin.) For those renting for party/event purposes that involve food and drink (i.e., birthdays, anniversaries, etc.), a cleaning deposit of $100 is required. Payment is due the first of every month. If payment is not received by 5:00 p.m. the 7th day of the month, a $10 late fee will be charged. Gotta Dance, LLC takes cash, check, or card at no additional cost.

Communication Agreement

I agree to email the owners Brandi and Sean via for schedule requests and cancellations. Additionally, I agree to use the “Summer Schedule” and/or “Fall/Spring Schedule” Google Doc(s) as a reference for availability. On a weekly basis, I agree to plug in my studio use on the “Space Reservations” Google Doc. I understand that if my use is not recorded on the aforementioned Google Doc before my scheduled use, I will be charged a $25 penalty fee. I am aware that cancellations are allowed; however, must be communicated via email and reflected on the “Space Reservations” Google Doc 24 hours in advance of the scheduled use. I understand that if I do not inform the owners of the cancellation via email and reflect the cancellation on the weekly Google Doc 24 hours in advance, I will be charged for that time slot.

Renter Responsibility Agreement

I agree to turn off air conditioning/heat in the studio I used. If I am the last one at the studio, I agree to turn off all the lights and lock up both the downstairs inside foyer door and glass door into the foyer before I leave. I also agree to leave the space (studio used and lobby) the way I found it (i.e., chairs put away in the lobby, etc.).

COVID-19 Protocol

Take extra care in following current national, state and county guidelines. Please sanitize your area. Cleaning products are available on the shelf of the mini entrance of the first bathroom next to studio A, as well as at every stereo console in every studio. Please mop the floor with our blue dust mop, disinfectant floor sprayer, and water sprayer. Spritz the floor with our disinfectant floor sprayer. Spray the blue dust mop with water and then sweep over the floor. These supplies can also be found in every studio. By signing this agreement, I am aware that Gotta Dance, LLC will not be held liable for any COVID-19 cases that may be contracted during participation at the studio-inside or outside of the building. Participation is at the risk of those renting and their participants (teachers and students).